Thursday, October 1, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation

Evolution and creation are two different things. Charles Dawins's is a great scientist that discover and prove a lot of things. Darwin's theory of evolution is that humans and all living things come from a common ancestors. He explains how hummans and living things evolved from common ancestors through natural selection. Creation is a religious belief that God created the universe. Creation is based on the bible and christians, jewish, muslims, chatolic, and some other religions believe in creation. God created the first male and female which were Adam and Eva, and created every living and non living thing in the world in six day and the 7th day he rest.

I belive in creation and evolution because i belive in god and i think some part of evolution makes sence. I believe God create humans and everything else in the world. But i also belived in evolution because I believe that god created the first female and male and they had kids but how was the other people created maybe some humans did come from monkeys. I think both creation and evolution makes sence but no matter what i'll always believe in God.

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